Canceled! - sunday February 2nd, 2025 - Canceled!

Canceled! - sunday February 2nd, 2025 - Canceled!
We regret to inform everyone, that due to circumstances beyond our control,
the Blue Ribbon Horse Shows, that we’ve loved producing since 1972 for the equine community in Arizona, will not be able to be held in 2025.
Starting with the scheduled February 2nd Show.
We are deeply sorry to announce this news without any warning or plans to do so, as this was a shock to us as well! The arena venues, that we have been grateful to use for many years, Arizona Horse Lovers and Western Saddle Club, unfortunately it has become increasing difficult to secure dates during the year and the other venue is now no longer accepting outside arena rentals.
The horse industry and community has expressed the importance of keeping small shows and day shows alive, we were trying to do just that! We have always put the love of horses and showing, as the forefront of our philosophy of Blue Ribbon Horse Shows, no matter the revenue or loss we had during the duration of the 53 years of the Blue Ribbon Horse Shows.
We want to take a moment to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of the exhibitors, trainers, judges, family, and friends that have supported us over the years and have allowed us to put on these iconic Blue Ribbon Horse Shows each year for over 53 Years!
A special thanks to those of you that have supported us for endless years!
Even though Blue Ribbon Horse Shows won’t be held in the foreseeable future, this does NOT mean that Blue Ribbon Awards or Blue Ribbon Custom Tack are going anywhere! If you are ever in need of any custom saddles, tack, buckles, or other awards please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Be sure to stop by our store and show us your “smiling faces”!
Thank you for all that came to our 2024 Year End Banquet!
We appreciate everyone of you!
We took a few photos during the banquet of the group(s) and award table, you can take a look at those down below or find them on Facebook!
You are more than welcome to share them or screenshot them for a keep sake!
Location: Sun City Country Club
Location: Sun City Country Club
BRHSPremium-December_15_2024 (pdf)
DownloadBRHS-(All_Patterns)-Dec_15_2024 (pdf)
DownloadEntry Blank(3 Judges) 2024 (pdf)
Download2024- Year End Points (thru_Dec 2024) (pdf)
DownloadPatterns - RanchRiding-(AQHA'20 #1-7) (pdf)
DownloadPatterns - RanchReining-(AQHA-VRH&RHC'20 #1-7) (pdf)
DownloadBRHS RulesRegulations-(rev2020) (pdf)
DownloadHalter Incentive Statement-(2021) (pdf)
DownloadAQHA 2020 Ranch Horse Rules (pdf)
DownloadThe Class Schedule/Premium for the shows are posted in the download section.
** Please note: the forms have changed as we have made a few changes for 2024 Show Season! **
For all our shows, please be sure to use the Triple Judged Entry Form that is posted in the download section.
The Class Schedule contains Classes listed in order and the current months Judges' names and other information about the Show: Date, Time & Location. It is usually available for download about 3 weeks before the show date.
All Show Forms as well as Rules & Regulations, can be downloaded in the Download Section.
2024 Year-End Points have been posted - January thru December shows, and can be viewed from the website.
Please confirm the spelling of your name and that of your horse & notify us if we need to make any changes. It's best to call us at our store number, during the day at 602-992-2145.
Mark your calendars:
2024 Year-End Awards Banquet Date is Sunday, February 16th, 2025 - 4:30pm-appx 7:30pm.
In late January 2025, invitations will be mailed out to those exhibitors receiving awards. Reservations and payment for banquet dinners must be received by appx 2/5/25. Everyone else is welcome to attend, just call us for an invitation so that you can pay for your banquet dinner.
**IMPORTANT** Consent for Minors on Entry Form MUST be signed by PARENT or LEGAL GUARDIAN (If a Parent will not be at the show, you MUST make sure to get the parent's signature BEFORE leaving home!)
• for 2023 we're adding a
MINI/PONY Division which will include:
Halter, Showmanship & In-Hand Trail
- Year-End awards will be given to those that qualify. Please see premium rules for more info.
• Don't forget about our new RANCH Horse WALK/TROT division for 2023,
which includes: Ranch Conformation, Ranch Rail Pleasure, Ranch Riding & Ranch Trail
We also have: Class #37 - Western Horsemanship Walk-Jog All Ages with Pattern.
Patterns for February 2nd Show:
#52 - Pattern TBD
All other Patterns will be Posted in the Download Section of the website closer to the show & they will also be posted the day of the show by arena entrance gate.
(see 2025 show dates in Future Show Dates below)
Select Shows will be held at:
Arizona Horse Lovers Park Arenas at: 19224 N Tatum Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85050
AND Select Shows will be held at:
Western Saddle Club of Phoenix arenas at: 12425 N. 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85020
(on 7th Street just south of Thunderbird)
- Halter Incentive: One Halter class will count towards a horse/exhibitor combination's Daily High Point & Year-End Awards in 1 division, except Leadline: as long as you've entered in the minimum # of classes for that division. The horse must be the same horse you're showing in that division. You NEED to specify the division on your Entry Form.
For the show, please be sure to use the NEW/Revised Triple Judged Entry Form/Blank that is posted in the download section.
You can download the Entry Form/Blank, in the Download Section, so that you can fill it out and either; Pre-Enter or Bring it with you to the show and enter there. You can always enter the day of the show and forms are available at the show.
In order to Pre-enter, you'll need to mail it or bring it in to our store, so that we have it before the pre-entries close. It saves all parties involved time in the show office, therefore there is little discount for Pre-Entry. The appropriate Entry Form will be available for download for each show.
You may choose to show under one or more judges by indicating so on your Entry Form.
"Schooling": You may also choose not to be judged at all and would like to "school" your horse. There is a schooling entry fee per horse per class.
Entry Forms can be downloaded in the Download Section.
Sorry, No Credit Cards are accepted for entries: Checks or Cash Only
We've added a New Ranch Walk/Trot All Ages division that includes Classes:
#39-Ranch Horse Conformation, #48-Ranch Rail Pleasure,
#50-Ranch Riding
& #56-Ranch Horse Trail
Don't forget about:
Class #37 - Western Horsemanship Walk-Jog All Ages with Pattern.
No Future Shows for 2025:
We regret to inform everyone, that due to circumstances beyond our control,
the Blue Ribbon Horse Shows, that we’ve loved producing since 1972 for the equine community in Arizona, will not be able to be held in 2025.
Starting with the scheduled February 2nd Show.
We are deeply sorry to announce this news without any warning or plans to do so, as this was a shock to us as well! The arena venues, that we have been grateful to use for many years, Arizona Horse Lovers and Western Saddle Club, unfortunately it has become increasing difficult to secure dates during the year and the other venue is now no longer accepting outside arena rentals.
The horse industry and community has expressed the importance of keeping small shows and day shows alive, we were trying to do just that! We have always put the love of horses and showing, as the forefront of our philosophy of Blue Ribbon Horse Shows, no matter the revenue or loss we had during the duration of the 53 years of the Blue Ribbon Horse Shows.
We want to take a moment to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of the exhibitors, trainers, judges, family, and friends that have supported us over the years and have allowed us to put on these iconic
Blue Ribbon Horse Shows each year! A special thanks to those of you that have supported us for endless years!
We will have a food concession at each of our horse shows. Please show them your support! They will adjust their menu offerings for day or evening shows, which typically includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, and drink items.
Trophy & Ribbon to 1st and ribbons 1st-6th place in all classes. High Point trophies & Reserve High Point trophies (or optional gift certificates for High Point & Reserve) in each of our following divisions:
• Walk-Trot/Jog 10 & Under - 2 Gaited (English/Western combined)
• Walk-Trot/Jog 11 & Over - 2 Gaited (English/Western combined)
• Walk-Trot/Jog All Ages - 2 Gaited (English/Western combined)
• 18 & Under - Western
• 19 & Over - Western
• Novice Western - All Ages
• Western - Open (incl Pattern class)
• English - 18 & Under
• English - Open (incl Pattern class)
• Novice English - All Ages
• Ranch Horse Division - 3 Gaited (incl Reining class)
• Ranch Horse Division - Walk/Trot
• Year-End awards will be awarded in the Mini/Pony division to those that qualify (One Horse/One Rider combination - see rules on premium)
At our Blue Ribbon Horse Shows, our exhibitors have the option of choosing a Ribbon Point Card in place of any of your 1st through 6th Place ribbons. You also have this option instead of the 1st Place trophy. It is the exhibitor's option to ask for a "Point Card" in place of a ribbon when the ribbons are handed out in the ring as placings are announced. These point cards entitle the bearer to $1 each toward merchandise at Blue Ribbon Awards & Tack.
- The Dark Turquoise colored Ribbon Point Cards will expire on 12/31/23 (We are extending the expiration date until 2/28/24.)
- The Hot Pink colored Ribbon Point Cards will expire on 12/31/22 (We are extending the expiration date until 1/31/23.)
- The Yellow colored Ribbon Point Cards will expire on 12/31/21.
- The Orchid/Lavender colored Ribbon Point Cards expired on 12/31/20.
- The Green colored Ribbon Point Cards expired on 12/31/19.
- The Salmon/Light Orange colored Ribbon Point Cards expired 12/31/18.
- The Blue colored Ribbon Point Cards expired 12/31/17. We did post notifications on our website, entry table, and on our email blasts that the Blue colored Ribbon Point Cards would be expiring on 12/31/17.
Year-End Awards to be presented include (Subject to Change for the 2024 Awards Banquet)
- Halter Division - Award to Champion through 6th Place in each class (to be included in the Silver Show Halter drawing)
• Buckles to Grand & Reserve Champion Mare
• Buckles to Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion or Gelding
- Walk-Trot Divisions (10 & Under, 11 & Over and All Ages) - Buckles to Champion & Reserve Champions and awards to 3rd through 6th place (to be included in the Western Saddle drawing)
- All-Around Age Groups (same divisions as the High Point divisions listed above) - Buckle to Champion & Reserve Champions and awards to 3rd through 6th place (to be included in their respective Western Saddle drawing)
- Special awards to: Leadline - 8 & Under
- In order to be eligible for Year-End Awards, an exhibitor must have shown in that particular division under (9) Judges minimum during the year & in the minimum number of classes per show in that particular division.
** See Rules, Regulations & Need to Know Information for more information about the Year-End Awards & Daily High Point & Reserve High Point awards eligibility requirements.
Our 2024 show season is almost over, and we will be having our annual Year-End Awards Banquet on Sunday, February 16, 2025, late afternoon/early evening, which is unmatched by other local horse show clubs. Points have been tallied all year, January thru December, with the Year-End Banquet hosted in February. Fantastic Buffet Dinner, Awards and more Awards!
Year End Point Standings are posted through the May Show on this site, after several shows throughout the season and, as time allows for staff.
Raffle Drawings: Blue Ribbon Custom Tack Western Saddle and a Silver Show Halter. (must be present at banquet for year-end awards & raffle drawings)
Blue Ribbon Horse Shows has been hosting Open All-Breed Horse Shows since 1972. It has always been a family event and as time has gone by our family has only grown. Technology wasn't even good back then, but the cowboys, cowgirls, and horses were, and boy did we have loads of fun!
Blue Ribbon Custom Tack® is a custom manufacturer of the finest quality western saddles and accessories. Established by the Habighorst family in 1973, Blue Ribbon Custom Tack® is located in Phoenix, Arizona and specializes in building western saddles designed by horsemen, for horsemen.
Blue Ribbon stands for beauty, quality, durability and expert design. We combine traditional, old-world craftsmanship with unique customization and selections to offer you the finest custom tack available.
All of the Blue Ribbon western saddles are manufactured in our store in Phoenix by dedicated craftsmen and your order is personally handled by the owners. Visit our store and if you can't - Visit our site!
Blue Ribbon Awards specializes in School & Corporate Awards, Team & Individual Awards.
We are and have been a family owned and operated business since 1972.
Our family and staff take personal initiative to make your Awards truly special. During our 45 plus years servicing the Phoenix area, we have built our reputation with trustworthy business relationships, high quality merchandise and on-time delivery.
Whether you are in need of Ribbons, Trophies, Medals, Plaques or Corporate Gifts, you will find that we strive to make you a champion for your organization.
To request the show newsletter/show announcements, please use the "Show Announcements/Newsletter Request button" below, fill-in the form and click send. You can also send us an important message the same way.
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: Closed - We're at the horse show